The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

SVDP is a Catholic lay organization that has been serving Rhode Islanders since 1858. We are part of an international non-profit organization that is active in over 150 countries around the world providing basic human needs. SVDP is the largest Catholic organization of support for the Corporal Works of Mercy – feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, and clothing the naked.

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul leads it's members to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to person services. These services are offered to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of our founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam and patron St. Vincent de Paul.

Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is an energetic and well-organized group of individuals committed to assisting the poor and needy. Our SVDP Conference provides an immense service to the Church and to the local community. Since June, the St. Mark SVDP Conference has visited the homes of more than 60 people and provided over $8,000 in emergency assistance for food, housing, utilities, and medicine.

  • SVDP aids people in many ways:
  • We help the needy on a personal and confidential basis.
  • We offer Christian support and friendship.
  • We provide food, clothing, and financial assistance for housing, utilities, and medical needs.
  • We help families contact other organizations in the city and state that provide help.
  • Our goal is to help sustain these families for a short time until they can manage on their own.

There are many rewarding volunteer opportunities available that would be great for families, couples, or individuals. Opportunities include: attendance at the SVDP meetings twice a month, home visitations, assisting the needy in various ways, and answering phone calls from people requesting assistance.

The only qualifications needed are the desire to help the needy in a friendly, nonjudgmental way and the ability to keep personal information concerning the cases confidential.

You might be interested if you want to enter a vocation dedicated to serving Christ by serving our sisters and brothers. There are any number of ways to serve, but we are particularly looking for people interested in direct service, especially those interested in becoming part of a team to visit people in their homes. 

Tax-Deductible donations can be made by writing a check payable to "SVDP St. Mark Conference" at 31 Poplar Drive, Cranston, RI 02920-5711.

For more information on the State Council, St. Vincent de Paul Rhode Island. 

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For more information on the National SVDP Council of the United States.

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