Adult Faith Formation

The mission of Adult Faith Formation is to periodically provide programs for the adults in our parish community that create positive experiences in learning, growing, and evangelizing our Catholic faith. Are you interested in...

  • Understanding more about your Catholic faith?
  • Looking for ways to really know, love, and become closer to Jesus Christ and His Church?
  • Helping to answer religious questions about your faith asked by friends and family with correct and clear answers? 
  • Need a refresher of the basic tenants of your Catholic faith?
  • Having a faith-based parish educational program geared especially for adults?
  • Know how to evangelize your own family who may have drifted away from the Church?
  • Listening and discussing with other like-minded Catholics about what you believe and love about your faith?

Watch the Parish Bulletin for periodic Adult Faith Formation programs running in our parish. Contact Paul Gebhart at if you have any questions.

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